Monday, March 10, 2008


That's right I was scared of the cold. The wind was doing 20 out of the NW most of the day, but the air temp didn't hit 40 until 5:00. Even then the feels like temp was suck in the low 30's. If your an avid reader of the Peconic Puffin you will see that some sailors go out in these conditions. My only excuse is that I typically have to sail alone. Anyway here are some pictures of Oxford with a NW blow last September (no wetsuit required).
I stays really flat when its a Northerly wind, great for speed runs/gybing.

6.6 Sail 120L board almost no chop

1 comment:

PeconicPuffin said...

Hi Josh...nice blog!

Winter windsurfing can be outstanding...the conditions (aside from the temperature) are often better than in warm weather, but safety issues multiply. Sail with someone. Wear a helmet (on top of everything else it will help keep your head warm). Sail shallow spots (where you can walk out if your mast snaps) and stay closer to shore. It's true that in the last year I've been raving about windsurfing in conditions I used to think were insane, but the crowd I sail with (and I'm always with at least one other windsurfer) is never sailing far from shore and/or we're in waist deep water most of the time.